Kamis, 18 Maret 2010


At 10th decembers ago carried out PR event with theme “A Moment To Share”. More than 80 medias presents in Imam bondjol house at 15.00. This show happened to give appreciation to media friend on cooperation and connection that intertwin very good with Oriflame during 2009 years.

The especial target from this event is launch the charitable program we to run at february 2010 that is " Power Of Kiss" charity program. This program oriflame cooperate by Panti Roslin residing in Kupang to give the aid used for the development of school of age children early. Five hundreds rupiah from all lipstick type that sold at february will be used for the expense of the education.

All journalist which attend given a flower and zodiac card as according to zodiac of each. They could as a question to " Fortune Taller" concerning lipstick and fragrance Oriflame matching with their characteristic , and also their luck at 2010 years.

Attend also top leader oriflame Indonesia, delegation from embassy swedia and 2 people of celebrities Indonesia which care with the children education in Indonesia that is Mona Ratuliu and Dik Doank.

Hopefully with the existence of this event ," Power Of Kiss" charity program in febuari fluent ambulatory so that children residing in mussel can realize their desire to learn and decrease children amount of school in Indonesia.

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